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Fostering healthy physical development and recovery

Physical therapy is often recommended for children who are experiencing issues with mobility and physical functions due to injuries, disabilities, and diseases. This form of treatment is offered in sessions with the goal of progressively decreasing pain and improving their ability to move and daily functioning.

During sessions, the children will undergo various exercise activities that help children strengthen their muscles and bones, improve their range of motion, and improve their sense of balance, among others. We also work with parents and guardians and help them learn how to support their children as they do simple exercises at home.

Physical therapists can also teach children and their family members on how to prevent future injuries. We also keep regular communication with our clients’ physicians so that they become updated on the clients’ situation. By giving them updates, they can provide adjustments in the clients’ medications and care that they need.

Do you have more questions? If you do, please send us a message or give us a call.